Local Air Quality Management


Under Part 1V of the Environment Act 1995 the framework for local air quality management (LAQM) was introduced. Every local authority has a statutory duty to review and assess the local air quality within their boundary and, where appropriate, declare an Air Quality Management Area along with the provision of an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) to improve air quality. In 2003 the Council declared an Air Quality Management Area. This was followed by the development of an Air Quality Action Plan which was adopted by Cabinet in 2004.

In 2016, supervision of the LAQM system in the Greater London Authority (GLA) area was devolved to the Mayor of London. In accordance with the London-specific guidance, updated pollution information and action plan measures published by the GLA, local authorities across London have been required to undertake a review of their current Air Quality Action Plans. This ensures future actions on air quality are taken forward using the most up to date information on predicted pollution levels and on the measures best placed to help improve air quality.

New Air Quality Action Plan 2019-2024

The new Plan has incorporated recommendations from the Residents' Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee (RESPOC) and been informed by a public consultation. The revised Air Quality Action Plan will stand from 2019-2024 when it will be required to be reviewed again. Progress will be monitored via the submission of annual reports to the GLA for approval.

Annual Air Quality Action Plan Progress Reports

All links below are PDF documents.

Historical Progress Reports